10 Animated Trends That Will Rule 2023

In 2023, we can expect to see some exciting and innovative trends in the world of animation. Here are 10 animated trends that are likely to rule in 2023:

With the advancements in technology, we can expect to see animation that looks almost real.Hyper-realistic animation is expected to be a big trend in 2023. You can expect animated films, television series, and even video games that look more realistic than ever before.

In terms of movies, you will see more hyper-realistic animations such as “The Lion King” (2019) and “Aladdin” (2020). These movies are being made with the help of CGI technology that makes it possible for them to look exactly like real life. The characters in these movies also move around realistically when they talk or walk around on screen!

Another popular type of animation is called stop motion animation where people make puppets out of clay or plasticine then move them frame by frame while filming them with cameras so they look like they’re moving naturally when played back at normal speed on TV screens across America today.”

#2) Interactive animation

Animations that respond to user inputs will become more popular and immersive.Interactive animations are becoming more and more popular in movies, TV series and video games. This trend is due to the fact that hyper-realistic animations are being used as a way of telling stories and creating characters that audiences can relate to.

In addition to this, stop motion animation has also been rising in popularity over recent years because it allows animators to create unique characters who have their own personalities.

Examples of Interactive Animation

  • The Last Guardian
  • Zootopia
  • Toy Story 4
  • The Lion King
  • Aladdin

#3) Mixed reality animation

Augmented and virtual reality will be combined to create a unique and interactive experience.The animation industry has been on the rise for some time now and it doesn’t look like it’s going to slow down anytime soon. With new technologies, trends and advancements being made every day, we can only imagine what this industry will look like in 2023.

So what do we think will happen? Well for starters there will be an increase in demand for animators because of a growing interest in Mixed Reality (MR). As more people become aware of MR technology and start using it at home or work, they’ll need someone who knows how to create content with this type of technology so they can enjoy their experiences even more!

#4) 2D animation with 3D elements

This trend will continue to rise as 2D animation gets a boost from 3D elements.In the last few years, there has been an increasing demand for animators. The growing popularity of 2D animation with 3D elements is likely to continue this trend. The main reason behind this is that users want more realistic and immersive experiences as well as interactive and user-friendly experiences.

The demand for animators will also increase because of the fact that they are responsible for creating characters in movies, television shows, video games and other forms of entertainment media such as advertisements or commercials which require some kind of movement or action on screen.

#5) Motion graphics

Motion graphics will be used more frequently in animation as it provides a unique way to present information.motion graphics continue to play an essential role in digital marketing and content creation. With the rise of social media, video marketing, and digital advertising, motion graphics have become an increasingly popular tool for brands and businesses to engage with their audience. Here are some of the top motion graphics trends to look out for in 2023

  • Bold and Vibrant Colours
  • Kinetic Typography
  • 3D Animation
  • Interactive Motion Graphics

#6) Hand-drawn animation

Classic hand-drawn animation will make a comeback as a nostalgic trend.While digital animation has become more prevalent in recent years, hand-drawn animation is still widely used in the entertainment industry. In fact, some studios have begun to incorporate hand-drawn animation into their digital work, creating a hybrid style that combines the best of both worlds. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovation in the field of hand-drawn animation.

#7) Minimalistic animation

The minimalist approach to design will also be applied to animation.As the animation industry continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovation in the field of minimalistic animation. With the rise of new technologies, such as augmented reality and virtual reality, animators will have even more opportunities to experiment with this style and push the boundaries of what is possible.

#8) Animated typography

Animated typography will become more popular as a way to convey messages in a visually appealing way. As the animation industry continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovation in the field of animated typography. With the rise of new technologies, such as augmented reality and virtual reality, animators will have even more opportunities to experiment with this style and push the boundaries of what is possible.

#9) Character-driven animation

Character-driven animation refers to a type of animated storytelling where the focus is primarily on the development and growth of the characters. In this approach, the narrative revolves around the experiences, emotions, relationships, and personal journeys of the characters, rather than being driven solely by plot or action.

Character-driven animations often delve deep into the psyche and motivations of the characters, exploring their strengths, weaknesses, desires, and conflicts. The goal is to create rich and relatable characters that audiences can connect with on an emotional level. These animations prioritize character development, allowing the audience to witness the characters’ growth, change, and personal transformations throughout the story.

#10) Experimental animation

Experimental animation refers to a broad category of animated works that explore unconventional techniques, styles, narratives, or concepts. It pushes the boundaries of traditional animation and often challenges the viewer’s expectations by experimenting with form, content, and the expressive possibilities of the medium.

My Right Artist
My Right Artist

Animation Explainer Video Company

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